The 90s impact on iot

The 90s impact on IoT

Do you remember the 90s? There are some very important milestones to remember from the 90s. Google was founded. The internet took off. The cellular networks were introduced. And perhaps most important, the term the internet of things was introduced.

Cyberattacks on IoT are increasing

In a world where more and more processes are connected, the risk of cyber-attacks against critical infrastructure increases. Sweden is a country with a lot of nature and relatively accessible public networks. With the ease of connecting almost everything today, the risk is that security takes a back seat, and we open the back door …

The IoT-ingredients

IoT -a recipe with three ingredients

To me, IoT is one of the greatest recipes. It consists of basically three ingredients. We want to monitor things, connect with things or position things. #1 The sensors First, the sensors, sensors that make it possible to monitor things. We want to monitor things like the indoor air quality in this room, the temperature, …



If you have been around this industry for some years, you may have heard the term M2M. Some people say that M2M and IoT are the same things. I’m afraid I have to disagree. The big difference between M2M and IoT is more than the words. M2M is about proprietary systems talking to each other …

IoT-devices by 2030

This is most likely the shortest blog post for years. The question arises from time to time -How many IoT devices will there be around 2030 in the networks? Many people before me have tried to answer that question. But I am not going to try the same. I cannot give you that figure. The …

IoT-trends 2022

The IoT market is booming, and with the advent of 5G, it’s moving fast. Here are three emerging trends for 2022. Trend 1 -Me of Things Me of Things are sensors that you wear or that will be in your vicinity. One example is sleep pattern sensors that can be embedded in your bed or …

How to fail with IoT

It is said that 74 percent of all Internet of Things ventures fail. That means 26 succeed, but 74 percent fizzle out for some reason. The Internet of Things is an enabler of the future. With the Internet of Things, we will be able to optimize irrigation in agriculture, we will be able to optimize …