5G Revolutionizing Forestry

In the tranquil Swedish forest, echoes of innovation and technological advancement resound. Skogforsk, at the forefront of researching how 5G technology can be applied to forestry machinery, stands as the catalyst for this transformation. We recently had the opportunity to visit Tobias Semberg and his colleagues at Skogforsk to witness the latest innovations in remote-controlling forestry machines via 5G, this time via the public 5G network.

The future of forestry is here

The potential of 5G technology to remotely control forestry machines is revolutionizing work methods and significantly improving the working environment. This allows machines to be controlled with higher precision and efficiency, while minimizing the physical strain on operators by relocating them from the cabin to an office environment. You can read more about that in part 1 of my article series.

Innovation meets environmental considerations

Previously showcased with the private 5G network, Skogforsk’s use of the public 5G network heralds a new era in forestry. The development is not only technically impressive but also holds significant business value, contributing to being one part of reshaping the forestry industry to a more sustainable industry. Using public mobile networks is a great solution for applications like this, even though private 5G networks mean better control of the communication link and increase security; Skogforsk has proven that it can actually work just fine.

During my visit to Skogforsk, I witnessed the machine autonomously stacking firewood in a towering stack and lifting logs without human intervention. Subsequently, the machine was operated by an operator via 5G to an enclosed area where I could control the crane via mobile networks. It was an exciting experience to see how well it works in real-time. It was my first time trying to control such a machine, but I didn’t notice that it was going through the mobile network – it felt like direct contact.

A vision of the future work environment

Skogforsk’s work with 5G illustrates the potential for digitizing and modernizing traditional industries. Operators can now remotely control machines from a comfortable location, opening the door to a new work environment that is both safer and more ergonomic. With real-time transmission and precise control, tasks can be performed with greater accuracy and reduced risk of accidents.

What we witness at Skogforsk marks the beginning of a new era in forestry. An era where technology and tradition converge to create a more sustainable, efficient, and secure work environment. Thanks to 5G technology, the industry is reshaping itself to meet the challenges of the future.